Sunday 18 November 2007

Tesco Green Clubcard Point Rant

I am a Tesco shopper, mainly as it is one of the closest large supermarkets to my home. I have always used reusable carrier bags, since before the launch of Green Clubcard Points. At my local Tesco however Green Clubcard Points are not what they seem, as often I have left the store without the points being added, whilst this is not an issue for me (it's just an added benefit to being green), it just seems that Tesco are not keeping their promises, and that some who solely make use of the Green Clubcard Points offer as their main reason to reuse bags will simply stop. Going on the 4% rule (which normally refers to restaurants), where only about 4% of people actually complain, the other 96% might just simply never return or in this case reuse bags. Whilst I am criticising Tesco in relation to one store I'm sure this is just an oversight by some staff, and the green efforts by Tesco are highly commendable.

On a another note, Sainsbury's were giving out free bags for life all weekend. They might still have some left in store tht you could blag. Their efforts have helped to reduce 750 tonnes of plastic bags going to landfill.


Unknown said...

You're not alone here. The Tesco Metro round the corner from me is also quite lax with their green clubcard points. It really depends on who serves you and if they remember/have their brain switched on. They also encourage you to use the self-service tills (and seem offended if you refuse) where there is no way of getting your extra points - in fact, those tills are geared up for you to take away a plastic bag!

Jem Farmer said...

Definitely not only you. The Tesco Superstore here doesn't give the green points out either. The only time I get green points is if I am buying the reuseable bags as I am trying to get away from plastic carrier bags altogether. But as you say its a bonus maybe that is why none of us are complaining.

Anonymous said...

The self-service tills at the Tesco near my office (Stevenage) invite you to type in the number of bags you've brought back, just before you put your money in. I must admit I missed it the first few times as I simply wasn't expecting it...

Anonymous said...

This may sound like a totally crazy concept to you all, but have you thought about reminding the cashier - or asking the self service assistant if you can have your points? -Clearly if you lot forget, then there's every reason the cashier will forget, especially when you think about all of the stuff they have to say (Hello, Would you like any help packing? Do you have a clubcard? Are you collecting school vouchers? etc). As i am sure you can imagine sat there for nine hours a day saying that gets monotonous.

The reason the self service assistant gets offended when you refuse to use them, is because it is their job to get you lot to do it, so that you are not standing in queues at main bank checkouts - again if the only reason you won't go to the self service is because of your green point, just ask.

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