Saturday 24 January 2009

Keep Recycling!

The public should continue recycling as prices for materials have begun to stabilise.

While the downturn in demand began in October, industry surveys conducted by WRAP and the Local Government Association, along with Environment Agency figures on applications to store recyclable materials, indicates prices are stabilising – although the market remains fragile.

WRAP surveyed 200 organisations, including local authorities, waste management companies, reprocessors and exporters, to determine market confidence and prices before Christmas. Although views were mixed, the overall sentiment was that markets are recovering, albeit not to previous price levels.

"Our market intelligence suggests prices for recovered materials are slowly stabilising and more materials are now moving through the export market. A cross cutting theme across all materials is that materials of varying quality are attracting lower prices because more effort and expense has to go into sorting and cleaning them to produce the equivalent of virgin raw material. The positive result of this is that quality material is more valuable. It is moving at good volumes and generally has less trouble finding end markets. The picture is of a fragile but stable market, in which materials are still moving. The overall picture from the survey is that people can still be confident in using the recycling service provided by their local authority, as the materials they put out are still being recycled. Local Authorities will continue to provide guidance to householders on which materials can be recycled in their area.”
Liz Goodwin, Chief Executive Officer, WRAP (Visit her blog)

A snapshot LGA survey, found 95% of local authority services are continuing as normal despite the fall in prices for recyclable materials. Only 5% of local authorities are having to store recyclable materials for any longer than usual.

“Local people deserve great credit for boosting this country’s recycling rates so dramatically in recent years. The economic downturn has presented challenges to local authorities, but the vast majority of recycling services have been completely unaffected. Councils know only too well that the alternative to recycling is to throw waste into landfill, which is damaging to the environment and expensive for the taxpayer. Local people should continue to recycle as much as possible.”
Cllr Paul Bettison, Chairman, LGA Environment Board

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